Tikkun Ha-Ir means ‘Repair the City’ in Hebrew. As Jews, it is our obligation to take part in bettering our city for everyone. As we strive for social justice, Tikkun Ha-Ir engages our local Jewish community to be active, thoughtful residents of the Milwaukee area and works with Jewish and local service organizations to alleviate the pressing needs of those most vulnerable in our community.

A Successful Holiday Gifts Drive

Tikkun Ha-Ir's 20th Anniversary Fundraiser Concert: Open Your Heart and SING!
Our own community is currently experiencing some dark days. Tikkun Ha-Ir is grateful for your gathering in community, shared song, and the knowledge that we are here for each other. Rabbi Jonathan Sacks wrote “hope is the belief that, together, we can make the world better.” This event left us with a renewed sense of healing, and a hope for the future of social justice work here in Milwaukee. We are so grateful for the community impact the Jewish community has made in the past 20 years, and look forward to the next 20.
Events like this don’t just happen. It requires a vision. To the 20th Anniversary team: Sami, Emma, Cindy, Dean, Ed, Morgan, Phillip. You brought your unique perspectives, ideas and commitment to THI’s social justice mission. You made my job easy and I appreciate all of you. To everyone on the team, it’s been my privilege to work with you. Thank you to Hazzan Jeremy Stein and Cantor David Barash for breathing air into this musical vision. We are so thankful to have singers and cantors from so many parts of our community:
Cantor David Barash
Cantor David Pepper
Hazzan Jeremy Stein
Cantor Richard Newman
Mara Kleiman
Wendy Cohen
Milwaukee Jewish Day School:
Yael Barolsky, Hannah Chertkoff, Mia Deneve, Sabella Fox, Michelle Gozolzany, Maya Khayat, Orli Khayat, Maddy Kolmas, Harper Mishelow, Nora Nelles, Yael Steigmann
Milwaukee Jewish Chorale:
Phil Ascot, Rene Edelstein, Sharon Fedderly, Diane Graham-Pagenkop, Samantha Haake, Wendy Lambert, Marlene Loeb, Julie Magidson, Kathleen Matts, Barbara Neville, Nancy Sandler, Howard Shimon, Artistic Director: Enid Bootzin Berkovits, Accompanist: Kai-I Tien
The Judy Baruch Legacy Award, 2023
With this Award, Tikkun Ha-Ir seeks to honor Judy’s deep influence and living legacy in the Jewish community and beyond. As such, the Award will be given to Jewish leaders or professionals who are engaged in social justice and social action within the wider Milwaukee community.
“I was surprised and extremely honored to hear about Tikkun Ha Ir’s plan to create the Judy Baruch Legacy Award. My role in the creation of Tikkun Ha’Ir was to help bring together Milwaukee area Jews who wished to promote social justice and equity. These people represent the full diversity of our synagogues as well as college students and people who cared about social change.
The THI legacy really belongs to those who joined together to study Jewish text and apply what they learned to advancing social justice. I am overwhelmed with gratitude for associating my name with that effort. Please accept my thanks for honoring me in such a meaningful way”
-Judy Baruch
“I am honored to receive an award that is named for Judy Baruch. Judy was the driving force behind many initiatives that continue to benefit those in need in our City. I aspire to have the community impact and build bridges in the way that Judy did throughout her career.”
– Dan Fleischmann